A postcard from the gardeners
Tuesday, April 27th - Postmark Steilacoom Chain Gang
Dear Friends,
We've been up to our dirty old tennis shoes prepping beds, putting up a fence, and chasing the dog (aka DogZilla!) out of onions. The soil prep has developed a meditative sort of repetition (dig, sift, dig, sift, compost compost...notice me avoiding the word boredom...) But still, it is gratifying to be outside under the big blue sky (ok sometimes grey) and to catch the chickadees and robins eyeing us curiously, wondering what treats we're going to uncover (mmmmm centipede!). We comfort ourselves by discussing how the bed prep we're doing this year will yield dividends for years to come. Hoping to have more exciting things to report very soon.
Oh wait, the bare root raspberries we planted are definitely getting big and bushy and the bare root apple trees we planted are leafing out nicely. Plus, hey the asparagus came up, yum. And some days we were working in the garden and I'd go in covered in cherry blossoms.
Wish you were here! No really - we could use the help.
Amanda n Mike
My Heart Belongs to Buddy
2 months ago
Hey, if ever you need a day laborer, you know my schedule is free! I'm glad to see the garden is coming along and Annie looks so tiny in the photo!!